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For over a decade, manufacturers have turned to automated solutions to improve their bottom line. Automation and machine vision are now being changed or it's value is increased and even replaced by AI. Here is the value AI-based visual inspection in 2020.

Value of AI-Based System


Being replaced by AI is especially true when it comes to visual inspection. The use of AI-based visual inspection technology is transforming manufacturing’s ability to improve business operations. AI-based visual inspection based on two of AI’s main strengths: computer vision and deep learning. Every AI system is built with the core capacity to perceive its environment (computer vision) and act on those perceptions (deep-learning). It has unlimited potential and can be developed rapidly to meet a manufacturer’s needs.

Concept of AI

Well-trained human eyes can detect defects. A well-trained AI-based vision system can do the same — but with greater efficiency . Like a human eye, AI-based vision systems capture an image and send it to a central “brain” for processing.Like a human brain, an AI “brain” makes detailed meaning from the image by contrasting it against its existing knowledge. AI-based vision systems are made of two integrated components. A sensing device acts as an “eye,” while a deep learning algorithm acts as a “brain.” The integrated system successfully mimics the human eye-brain ability to interpret images. AI-based vision systems are more efficient than human eyes because the AI “brain” stores greater amounts of information. As human brain consist of neurons to transfer and store the message but in the case of AI systems it can store a huge or bulk amount of data because there is no limit and the memory of a AI system is also so much high powerful so that it can store many datas at a particular time.

Benefits of AI-based visual inspection

1. Fast Implementation

Decades-old automated systems depend on defect libraries, lists of exceptions and complicated filters. The time it takes to accrue this information, clean it for accuracy, and re-implement it decreases its efficacy.It also wastes labor. AI and deep learning do not require prolonged programming or tediously lengthy algorithms. AI-based visual inspection systems might be constructed by several quality engineers and a data set of training images. The system learns rapidly and is integrated over several weeks. The system learn very fast by capturing the images which it see through its eye.It makes a particular image for a particular object or anything else.

EX- The AI system is shown a picture of 3 animals i.e, dog , cat , elephant.Around 60 to 70 images of dog , 50 TO 60 images of cat and 40 to 50 images of elephant is shown to AI.Now AI eye captures the images and process those images inside the brain then inside its brain an image or a structure is created that this is the difference between a dog ,cat and elephant. In this way when we show many more images and alogrithms is provided to the AI then it changes accordingly to the given instructions.

2. Labor Costs Reduction

AI solutions have higher rates of consistency than most expert human inspectors. Human inspectors must be trained and are only able to maintain a high degree of focus for 15-20 minutes at a time. Labor costs are incurred yearly and staff turn-over is an issue. For these reasons, AI-based vision inspections are more cost-effective than manual labor.


AI is increasing the competitiveness of manufacturers across every industry. Here are recent use cases from the aviation industry, semi-conductor manufacturing sector, and bio-science.


Amazon-go is a company made by amazon .In which you have to install Amazon-go only.It is simply a shopping mall in which there is no employee each and every work is controlled by AI ,sensors and numbers of cameras. when ever the person enter the door then he/she must scan his id then shop door opens laser system stops then he can enter to the mall and can shop from the mall and when the person scans to come out from the mall then the amount for the products which he/she have taken is deducted from his/her bank account directly and bill is forwarded to his registered mobile number. This is done by a simple algorithm after much Research i find it i.e, the sensors are kept below the items and the when the person pick up a thing then the contact of sensors detached and sensors contain a camera that camera take a picture of the person. Then the AI system make a containers and then start arranging or sorting the customers and their products by looking to the sensor images. Then it sort each and every customers accordingly to different containers and atlast bill the container and then send it to id scaned while entering.


Alibaba has risen to meet healthcare challenges created by the coronavirus. Alibaba’s deep-learning-based visual recognition system is capable of detecting the coronavirus in chest CT scans at a 96% accuracy rate. The system accessed 5,000 COVID-19 cases and can provide a diagnosis within 20 seconds. Moreover, the system can differentiate between images of viral pneumonia and images of coronavirus.


Fujitsu Laboratories implemented an Image Recognition System at Fujitsu’s Oyama factory. The system ensures that parts are produced at optimal quality levels by supervising the assembly process. The system was so successful that Fujitsu implemented it across the entirety of the company’s production sites.


Airbus introduced an automated, drone-based aircraft inspection system in 2018. The system has improved the quality of inspections and reduced aircraft downtime.


Global-Foundries is a leader in semiconductor manufacturing. The company designed a visual inspection system that detects defects in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. The system detects defects in a wafer map which then helps to determine the semiconductor device’s performance. The cases listed above reveal the extent to which AI is capable of automating many aspects of our lives.

System that think like human beings:

A number of crucial programming jobs were began throughout the late 1950 s . This was a major innovative thing. Among them was the well known general problem solver(GPS). Newll and Simon, who created the GPS ,were not happy to have their program correctly resolve problems.It was a problem, because they were more concerned about comparing the trace of its thinking action to that human topics fixing the same issue.This is in contrast to the concepts of other researchers of the exact same time,who were very much worried about getting the ideal answers,how humans might do it.The interdisciplinary field of cognitive science brings together computer designs on AI and speculative techniques from psychology  to try to construct exact and testable theories of the working of the human mind.The human mind can,to a certain degree,be imitated,which is what they discovered. Turing's requirement to call for such a blurring of distinction shown in the form of a test named the 'imitation game',which is a new way to solve the problem can a machine think? i mean,can a machine really think? that the question that would be answered here.Dr Turing compares the computer system as we know it to a human to choose whether a device can think or not.The game had a lot of fun with three people: a man (A),a lady (B), and an interrogator(X) of either sex, if you will A and B stay in space apart  from X,who does not know which of A and B is the guy and which is the lady.His/her objective is to figure out the sex of A and B properly by asking them questions.X can not really see or hear A and B but passes messages through an intermediary that was created,which could be an e-mail system or another person or something else. As they respond to the proposed questions,A and B total with each other to confuse the interrogator.X lastly offer his verdict based on their actions.Now the game is definitely played by changing either A or B with a device and the initial question is changed by the following questions:"what will actually occur when a device takes the part of A in this game?" or, "will the interrogator decide incorrectly as often when the game is played like that as much he does when the game is played between a male and woman?" if the answer to the second question is the affirmative,the device passes the turning test and based on this specific requirement,can really think,according to semantics.Nevertheless,in practice,the result of such a test would probably depend heavily on the humans included,in addition to the actual machine.

System that tend to think responsibly:

The greek philosopher Aristotle was actually among the first to attempt to codify right thinking or correct thinking whatever you want to call it as his popular syllogisms provided for argument structure that usually provide appropriate conclusions had examples like,"X is a male, all guys ate mortal;for that reason X is mortal." These laws of thought were supposed to govern the operation of the mind and initiated the field of reasoning.This was the kind of the inductive reasoning we still use today.


According to a Research the University Of OXFORD and White house in USA said that upto 2030 50% of the job profiles will be taken by AI due to its higher growth rate.The main reason of it is its higher efficiency with perfection.

The jobs at danger will be at that time are:-

*Repetitive in Nature
*No Critical Thinking
*No Critical Analysis
*No Research based
*No Specialisation

Who must not fear About jobs

The Persons with having an ability to learn and who is a continious learner of new technology would not fear about this all. There are two types of jobs in the world are mass work and class work .
Mass Work is a work which is done repeatedly by the mass again and again.As a mass of people can do that work easily so robot can easily do that work with higher efficiency and better than them. Where as Class work is a specialised work which can be only done by the specialised peoples. such as the problem solvers means who will write the related programs so that any AI works. This involves Intellectual Ability ,Critical Thinking , Analytic Abilities , Research work and in this field continious upgradation is done.


Driver :

Automotive cars are now made by UBER ,GOOGLE , TESLA they built a car in which no driver is needed and it is completely made by the AI and that also reduces a large no. of accident ratio in USA and many countries.As there is no driver so cost also reduced 40% of carfare. the automotive cars can be seen in India around 2035 because we are 15 years back from them but growth rate in Technology in India is more.

Security guards:

As AI is completely able to recognize a person so no need of Security is there and AI systems only need maintenance which would be cheap enough as compared to paying salary to security guards.


As AI can be able to recognize a clothes and can make same as the xerox copy of the clothes so no need of the Tailors will be there at that time.


The work of a Receptionist is to Fill the form handle certain documents and check the entry and exit etc. that can be easily done by a AI systems.


There are certain alogrithms which when provided to the AI then it can Analysis bulk of data and responds accordingly at a very less time.


This work goes under Repetitive typing work by visualising a data which a AI can do with more accuracy and perfection.


The doctors who were not upgrading themselves according to the time they will be in danger because in USA and many countries over around 24 lakh surgeries is done till 2020.this involves 144 death cases. In this way it also reduced death rate also.

Government Job Holders:

These are the people mostly in danger because Government will first try the robots on these profile and it will save a lot of money and that money can be used to modify the country.

Military And Army:

Now a days to save human loss many countries are now building frontline Military Robots and drones are also designed in a such a way that can affect a country during war.

Other job Profiles:

*And many more job profiles i.e, 702 varieties will be replaced by the AI these involves cashiers,banker,labourers,Teachers,Delivery boys etc.

*And new job profiles will be added like maintenance  of these AI and programming AI etc.

I am passionate about my work. Because  I love what  I do, I have a  steady source of  motivation that  drives me to do my best.  This    passion led me to  challenge myself  daily and learn new skills that    helped me to do better work.


  1. Perfectly elaborates & illustrates what is AI & also their implications for future references, where we are looking towards a world driven by AI.

  2. Amazing๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ well explained brother ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ hope to see such type of post in the upcoming days ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. great share!!!

  4. Amazing write-up

  5. Artificial intelligence technology danger off our humanity

  6. Like To be awesome. so nice post...

  7. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œcarry on sir๐Ÿ˜‰


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